As I saw another patient lose his battle
A man aged like my father
Whose life ended too soon, and too abruptly
I also saw my spirit break
As I walked out of his room
And despair invaded me
The world turned silent
While the voices in my head grew louder
How will we go through months of this?
Who will I become when this is all over?
Are we Davids ready for our fight against Golliath?
Or will our swords be useless against this Hydra?
As we ran through the scorched earth
Left behind by our foe
Into the future of uncertainty lying ahead of us
A silver lining shimmered
I looked to my right, and I found compassion
I looked to my left, and I saw hope
My brothers and sisters persevering in our war
Yes, they were broken too
But our pieces, when brought together
Formed a mosaic so magnificent
That it stood imposing as our war standard
Through this sign you shall conquer, it read
And conquer we shall
(Dedicated to all the JMC residents – thank you for carrying me through this)
Francisco Machiavello Roman MD